Oct 18, 2006

Calvin & Hobbes: Washington Post Article

Calvin/HobbesClick here to read an article about Calvin. It isn't a new article, but a close friend sent me the link again and I could not help but post up. Was very tempted to put up the full text, but I think just an excerpt should do it.

Excerpt from
The Tiger Strikes Again After an Early Bedtime, Calvin and Hobbes Are Up and Running in a New Collection By Neely Tucker, Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, October 4, 2005; Page C01

In the middle of class, Calvin's teacher suddenly turns into a pig-snouted monster! The drooling blob demands attention and homework!

"Chew electric death, snarling cur!" Spiff howls, blasting her face off with his Atomic Napalm Neutralizer!
He was known to wear little rocket ship underpants. He feared nothing but the babysitter. Also the dark.

The strip ran from 1985 to 1995. Thirty million people have bought earlier collections of the strip, but as of today you can buy it all in one pop. It will set you back $150, but the three-volume, glossy-papered tome finally gives proper appreciation and display to creator Bill Watterson's efforts, the kind of size and color quality that he waged such epic battles for with newspapers and syndicates before retiring into silence at age 37, tired of the fray, wary of drifting into the bankrolls of mediocrity.

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